ECATS 2020 conference – guidance for attendees and presenters
Conference | Programme | Committees | Presentations | Book of Abstracts | Guidelines | Ethics
Roles at conference
This is the first time that ECATS will run a fully online conference event. As such we have developed some guidance for attendees and presenters to try and help make the process as smooth as possible. The programme committee would be thankful if you could follow the guidance below. Here’s hoping that you have an enjoyable and informative conference experience!
All Attendees
The ECATS conference programme committee has designed a conference to allow us all to communicate, share our research and ideas in the same way as we would in a more conventional format as far as is possible. We have organised three types of session on the conference agenda Programme: Conference Sessions, Coffee Breaks and Poster Sessions.
Oral presentations
The main Conference Sessions ran as webinars using Zoom. This software allows the assigning of specific roles to attendees at the conference. The session chairs and presenters formed a panel with the ability to share their screens, webcams and audio. The session attendees were by default only able to see the webcam content and screen content from the presenting member of the panel.
Poster presentations
All posters are available as online documents. We have set up virtual live discussion rooms during the conference, where you could get in direct exchange with the poster presenters. All participants haa audio and video enabled. A moderator supported communication.
Standard presentation were 10 minutes followed by a question and answer session. As the time slot for oral contributions was kept short, we requested the speakers to focus on their main issue.The nature of the oral presentations was to draw the audiance’s attention to their contributions in the Special Issue in Aerospace or in the Book of Abstracts.
Poster Presenters
The posters for the ECATS conference were displayed in virtual rooms