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Conference Programme
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Scientific Key Areas
1. Alternative fuels – mitigation options
Increasingly the transport sector is under pressure to diversify away from petroleum derived fuels for its energy; for aviation, alternative fuels are the most realistic mitigation option. This session will explore technical, operational and performance challenges and opportunities, with specific focus on the environmental consequences of using the new fuels. Additionally it will seek to identify knowledge gaps to be filled to overcome shortcomings of, or exploit benefits of, alternative fuels.
2. Climate impact of aviation emissions
Aviation contributes to climate change and a joint effort is necessary to ensure both sustainable mobility and growth of aviation. However, large uncertainties remain when quantifying overall climate change from aviation. We focus on contributions which emphasise the need to establish solid knowledge and well-evaluated measures and means, to provide quantitative estimates of aviation climate change. Which approach is best suited to help aviation identify a durable path into the future?
3. Aviation environmental modelling and databases
Well-balanced sustainable aviation policymaking requires proper assessment of potential economic and environmental impacts of any technical, operational and or market based measure. To facilitate implementation of such aviation environmental policies, a model-based assessment is often applied, ideally with open access to necessary databases. At the conference, the European and international perspectives and contributions to integrated modelling and analysis of complex interdependencies and trade-offs will be discussed at air vehicle, airport and or air transport system levels.
4. Optimal flight trajectory: climate & safety
Finding the optimal flight trajectory remains one of the main challenges for air traffic management (ATM). Any trajectory has to comply with a growing list of requirements, amongst others safety and climate impact. Recent advancements in this field are invited which aim to expand current capabilities related to one or more of above mentioned key performance areas. Linkages with the Aviation System Block Upgrades are considered as defined in the ICAO Global Air Navigation Plan: 2012.
5. Atmospheric observation for aviation safety
For the safety and efficiency of European aviation the knowledge on potentially harmful atmospheric conditions plays a crucial role. Existing infrastructures for the monitoring of atmospheric conditions including chemical species, particles and clouds, e.g. by commercial aircraft or ground stations, are in place. The session reviews the current state of development and future concepts and explores how these infrastructures may help improving weather forecast, aviation efficiency and aircraft maintenance schedules.