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ECATS Int Association Business Organisation

Posted By foi On March 25, 2011 @ 1:14 pm In | Comments Disabled

In 2010, International Association ECATS was incorporated under the Law of Belgium (i.e., a so-called AISBL: Association Internationale Sans But Lucratif). It is a European durable cooperation and non-profit organisation with excellent expertise and research facilities for its members in the aviation and environment area. The seat of the association is in 1050 Brussels, Belgium, Rue du Trône 98. The association may have offices in other countries; currently, the association secretariat is located at the DLR Institute of Atmospheric Science in Oberpfaffenhofen (Germany).

Full Members [1] of the Association consist of the (ten) Founding Members and any entity or organisation that may join the association after it has been established as a Full Member in accordance with the Statues [2](Article 4) and may not be lower than three. Upon invitation by one Full Member of the association, another legal entity or organisation with legal capacity may apply to join the association as a Full Member. In principle, this membership of the association will be open to research establishments and universities who can demonstrate considerable and high-level activity in the field of aviation and environmental impact, either in terms of their technically advanced capabilities or in terms of large and high-standard facilities. In 2010, one Full Member joined the association.

Companies, research establishments and other bodies as well as individuals, active in the field of aviation & environmental impact which qualify for a limited and/or temporary participation in the activities of the association may be accepted as an Associate Member on the basis of a cooperation agreement.

Organs of the Association are the Executive Board and the General Assembly. The Executive Board [3]is responsible and carries out the day-to-day management, the financial administration and the general coordination of activities of the ECATS International Association. In accordance with the Statutes (Article 15.3), the General Assembly [4]elects the Executive Board members and, moreover, elects a Chairman, a Vice-Chairman and a Treasurer from the Executive Board members. Executive Board members are elected for a tenure of two years (re-election is possible for one more tenure). The Executive Board shall meet regularly, and at least twice a year, upon convocation by the Chairman or whenever the Chairman or two Executive Board members request to do so in writing.

The  General Assembly is the highest organ of the association. It is competent to take any decision, which is not explicitly referred to an other organ of the association by mandatory law, by the Statutes or to internal regulations of the association.  In particular, the General Assembly determines the general policy and long-term strategy of the association and decides on an annual Activity Plan (Statutes, Article 17), including concrete activities, by which the association pursues its objectives. The General Assembly will convene whenever the Chairman of the Executive Board or two Full Members so request, but at least twice a year. Each of the Full Members shall be represented in the General Assembly by a representative appointed by that Member. Each representative shall have one vote in the decisions of the General Assembly.

Associate Members shall not be entitled to vote in decisions. Unless decided otherwise by the General Assembly, Associate Members may however send representatives to attend the General Assembly meetings and contribute to its deliberations by giving opinions.

In order to pursue the activities of the Association, the General Assembly may establish committees and/or advisory bodies (Statutes, Article 16). A general outline of the activities of each committee has to be approved by the General Assembly before the activity starts. Participation of Members in committee activities is voluntary. Without prejudice to the participating Members’ rights, further terms of reference, rules of procedure and internal regulations for committee activities shall be adopted by the General Assembly.

NB: A European Virtual Institute organisation is envisaged for ECATS longer-term future (2015). This involves further harmonisation and where possible integration of members’ capabilities concerning research and development in the field of aviation and environmental impact. Furthermore, this includes any other adjustment of the organisation due to changes in the research field or any other circumstance.

Article printed from ECATS: http://www.ecats-network.eu

URL to article: http://www.ecats-network.eu/about/business/ecats-business-organisation

URLs in this post:

[1] Members: http://www.ecats-network.eu/members-of-ecats

[2] Statues : http://www.ecats-network.eu/ecats-business-organisation/statues

[3] Executive Board : http://www.ecats-network.eu/ecats-business-organisation/executive-board

[4] General Assembly : http://www.ecats-network.eu/ecats-business-organisation/general-assembly

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